It is August 18, 2017 memories flood my facebook page with the last 10 years of my life and antelope hunting. The journey laid out perfectly in pictures, comments and memories from my friends. From my first antelope hunt, to taking my family on my hunting journey and getting them their first antelope, to meeting friends for the first time, first time archery hunts, first big game kills, building relationships and friendships, building our sisterhood.
My anticipation of what is coming keeps me going every day. This year I am not only taking old friends hunting, I get to take their kids for the first time, 3 of them, their husbands, more ladies from my sisterhood, 4 young ladies that will someday carry on our mission, and others that will come as strangers but I promise they will leave as great friends. I sit every day in anticipation of what all of the memories will look like next year. The dreams I get to make come true for so many as a lady guide, as a friend, as an antelope hunter make the anticipation stronger.
So until Sept 10th, when my first hunters show up, I will wait, live through my memories and anticipate what lies ahead and what stories I will get to tell after my first year as a Lady Guide.